Bella was born 4/9/17 so that makes her 6 yrs 5 months old. She weighs around 12 lbs.
She loves to play tug of war and also likes to fetch. She is very active. She is also a total love bug. When you sit on the couch, she jumps right up and snuggles up right next to you. She will constantly nudge your hand wanting to be petted. She sleeps in the bed with you and crawls up under the covers to snuggle up next to you.
She is also a chow hound. She is always begging for something to eat. She is taken out regularly when her foster mom is home. Once when her foster mom didn’t take her out soon enough, she started circling and her foster mom knew she was looking for a place to go. During the day while her foster mom is at work, Bella is left blocked off in her foster mom’s den. Pee pads are left down and she will go on them.
She has not torn anything up and her foster mom is gone around 9 hours per day. Her previous foster crated her during the day and said she tore everything up and made a total mess. Her foster mom did lock her in a crate for about 3 hours one day, while she was gone, and she was fine.
Bella is dog aggressive and will need to be an ONLY DOG. Even on leash when walking Bella reacts negatively to other dogs. Bella also has a high prey drive so would do best in a home without smaller animals.
Fence is required due to her dog aggression to ensure her safety.
Bella’s adoption fee is $300.00
If you are interested in the above dog, please do not email us and tell us that you are interested, but submit an adoption application.
To submit an application go here……
An application must be submitted and approved before a meet-n-greet can be scheduled.
Your current dogs/cats must be spayed or neutered unless a veterinarian has determined that your current pet(s) should not be fixed due to medical reasons. They must also be up-to-date on shots and on HW preventative.
Reference checks and a home visit are required so SE dogs can only be adopted in NC/SC, VA MD, AL, TN, and GA.