Meet Mina, formerly known as Prissy! This little dynamo is 10 years old and a tiny 4lbs, but that doesn’t stop her from loving life!
Mina joined CRT with limited use of her hind legs, missing fur and swollen eyes. Understandably, she was very timid and scared of the universe around her. Mina was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease which is what caused her struggles with her rear legs.
When Mina joined her foster family they changed her name from Prissy to Mina, which means love in German. Her foster family has done amazing work with her and her mobility has increased substantially!
A Message from Mina!!!
I’m working on my housetraining skills. I’m really great at peeing outside but pooping…not so much. That takes too much effort, and I have a cozy bed that needs me more. Besides, how much mess can I possibly make to clean up? Once you see my cute face, it wont even matter that I maybe.. on purpose.. pooped on the rug.
I’m also not a huge fan of puppy pads.
Sometimes my foster mom puts a diaper on me, but it makes my butt look big and I eventually get out of it.
I haven’t learned how to tell my foster mom that I need to go potty, but she is great at taking me out after my multiple beauty naps and after eating. I also don’t mind if the weather is bad outside, I still go out and pee in my favorite spot in the yard.
I like my foster siblings…sometimes. I do like to snuggle with them but only when I say so.
I can be snippy w new people but that’s only because you may not be able to handle all of my cuteness and I need to make sure that your heart can take it.
I do love my person and am a great velcro dog. I love snuggles and belly rubs.
I sleep beside my foster moms desk in her office while she works and by her side on the couch in the evenings. I don’t like to be left alone, I get really anxious and sometimes I nervous pee.
My foster mom is trying to get me used to a crate, but I’m not always the best with that and so sometimes I sleep in a baby bed beside the bed or in the bathroom with a nightlight. I have even made my way into the bed for snuggles.
I normally don’t bark unless my fur siblings start zooming around the house and I’m trying to take my 100th nap of the day.
Don’t let all of the naps fool you, I do like to play and I have my favorite little toy that I throw around. I do have bad knees, but that doesn’t slow me down. I’m also missing some hair in spots, but my foster mom is giving me medicated baths and soon I will have all of my hair back and won’t need those treatments.
So far diapers and rewetting eye drops are all that is required for this little 4 pounder in addition to the love and care of her forever foster family!
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